(653) 534 3555



Medical Specialties

Especialidades Médicas

Medical Specialties

Always concerned about the comfort of the family, CMN offers three waiting rooms, a chapel, a cafeteria and a pharmacy for the supply of your treatment.

In addition to 24-hour emergency services with six observation beds, two consulting rooms and diagnostic services.

The Northwest Medical Center has the following hospitalization facilities:

8 Private Rooms

5 Semi-private Rooms

3 Luxury Suites

1 Isolated Room

Labor and Delivery Room

Nursery Area with 2 Pediatric Care Rooms

Doctors will find:

3 Excellent Operating Rooms

Continuous Intensive Care Unit

Private Birthing Suite

Clinical Laboratories

Large Radiology and Imaging Office

3 Nursing Centers

Why is CMN the Best Hospital in the Region?

Centro Médico del Noroeste is the only hospital in the region that has specialized equipment for optimal treatment for each of its patients.

Radiology and Imaging

Northwest Medical Center features advanced imaging services, including CT, X-ray, ultrasound, and C-arm. Our CT scan delivers highly accurate images essential for detailed diagnoses and personalized treatment. X-ray studies are performed with modern equipment ensuring clarity and safety with every exam. Ultrasound allows for fast, noninvasive assessments with real-time images, ideal for a variety of diagnoses, while the C-arm facilitates image-guided surgical procedures with precision and efficiency, optimizing patient outcomes.

Clinical Analysis

The Diagnostica Kino Clinical Laboratory is a fundamental pillar in the comprehensive medical care we offer. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and operated by a team of highly trained professionals, the laboratory guarantees accurate and reliable results in an optimal time. We offer a wide range of studies, from routine analysis to specialized tests, crucially contributing to the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of various medical conditions. Our priority is to support both treating physicians and patients, providing an efficient, safe and high-quality service.

We have a wide variety of branded and generic medicines, ensuring the right treatment for your needs. We offer high quality surgical equipment, personal hygiene products, and a wide range of orthopedic items. We also have baby products, such as food, formula, diapers and accessories, ensuring the well-being of the little ones. All with recognized brands and exceptional service.

Hyperbaric oxygenation chamber

It consists of having the patient breathe 100% oxygen.
Oxygen is supplied in specialized handling equipment; It is a method of treatment in orthodox medicine in which the entire body is subjected to a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure and the patient breathes oxygen in a hermetic container built with welded steel plates, often in a cylindrical shape, the design is made to withstand internal pressure greater than atmospheric pressure, by combining pressure and oxygen a whole series of physical and physiological effects are generated.

COH is ideal to complement the treatments of: diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, circulatory problems, post-surgical recovery, migraine, rheumatoid arthritis and stress.

COH therapies are not only indicated for patients suffering from a certain disease, but can be used by all people with the purpose of revitalizing all their organs, toning the skin, improving and stimulating the immune system and in this way preventing diseases, staying healthy and prolonging their quality of life.

Hemodialysis soon

Hemodialysis is a treatment to filter toxins and water from the blood, just as healthy kidneys did when they were healthy. It helps control blood pressure and balance important minerals in the blood such as potassium, sodium, and calcium.

Hemodialysis is not a cure for kidney failure, but it can help a patient feel better and live longer.

Nuclear medicine and therapy center soon

Nuclear medicine is a medical specialty that uses radiotracers (radiopharmaceuticals) to evaluate body functions and to diagnose and treat diseases. Some applications of nuclear medicine include:

• Diagnosing and tracking heart disease, such as blocked coronary arteries

• Detecting bone disorders, gallbladder disease, and intestinal bleeding

• Treating certain types of cancer, such as thyroid cancer and lymphoma

• Diseases studied by nuclear medicine also include gastroesophageal reflux, dyspepsia, kidney disease, urinary tract infections

Do you have a question or query? Contact us


La tomografía computarizada es un procedimiento de diagnóstico que utiliza un equipo de rayos X especial para crear imágenes transversales del cuerpo.

Las imágenes de la TC se producen usando la tecnología de rayos X y computadoras potentes.

¡Pharmalux es tu Farmacia de lujo!

Contamos con una gran variedad de medicamentos de patente y genéricos, asegurando el tratamiento adecuado para tus necesidades. Ofrecemos material quirúrgico de alta calidad, productos de higiene personal, y una amplia gama de artículos ortopédicos. También disponemos de productos para bebés, como alimentos, fórmulas, pañales y accesorios, garantizando el bienestar de los más pequeños. Todo ello con marcas reconocidas y un servicio excepcional.

Cámara de oxigenación Hiperbárica

Consiste en hacer respirar al paciente oxígeno al 100%.
El oxígeno es suministrado en equipos de manipulación especializada; Es un método del tratamiento de la medicina ortodoxa en el cual todo el cuerpo se encuentra sometido a una presión superior a la atmosférica y el paciente respira oxígeno en un recipiente hermético construido con planchas de acero soldadas, frecuentemente en forma cilíndrica, el diseño está hecho para soportar la presión interna mayor a la atmosférica, al combinar la presión y oxigeno se generan toda una serie de efectos físicos y fisiológicos.

La COH es ideal para complementar los tratamientos de: diabetes, alzheimer, mal de Parkinson, esclerosis múltiple, síndrome de fatiga crónica, fibromialgia, problemas circulatorios, recuperación post quirúrgica, migraña, artritis reumatoide y estrés.

Las terapias con COH no solo están indicadas para los pacientes que sufren determinada enfermedad, sino que pueden ser utilizadas por todas las personas con el propósito de revitalizar todos sus órganos, tonificar la piel, mejorar y estimular el sistema inmunológico y de esta manera prevenir enfermedades, mantenerse saludables y prolongar su vida con calidad.

Hemodiálisis proximamente

La hemodiálisis es un tratamiento para filtrar toxinas y agua de la sangre, como lo hacían los riñones cuando estaban sanos. Ayuda a controlar la presión arterial y equilibrar minerales importantes en la sangre como el potasio, el sodio y el calcio.

La hemodiálisis no es una cura para la insuficiencia renal, pero puede ayudar al paciente a sentirse mejor y vivir más tiempo.

Médicina nuclear y centro de terapia proximamente

La medicina nuclear es una especialidad médica que utiliza radiotrazadores (radiofármacos) para evaluar las funciones corporales y para diagnosticar y tratar enfermedades. Algunas aplicaciones de la medicina nuclear son:

• Diagnosticar y rastrear enfermedades del corazón, como arterias coronarias bloqueadas

• Detectar trastornos óseos, enfermedades de la vesícula y sangrado intestinal

• Tratar ciertos tipos de cáncer, como el cáncer de tiroides y el linfoma

• En las enfermedades que estudia la medicina nuclear también se encuentran reflujo gastro esofágico, dispepsia, enfermedad renal, infecciones del tracto urinario

¿Tienes una duda o consulta? Contáctanos

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